Real Estate Broker | Vanessa Valtierra

Posted by VibeSociety on August 23, 2022 at 8:00 AM

Managing broker, Vanessa Valterra of Amare Realty sits down on the Real Estate Moguls podcast to share her story of trusting your gut and perseverance. 

Real Estate Moguls - Vanessa Valtierra

Immigrating from Mexico with her family when she was around eight years old, Vanessa watched both of her parents work incredibly hard. Inspired by her uncle, as a little girl she wanted to go into the medical field. 

“And I did go into the medical field, actually. I went into nursing and I loved it because I love helping people. I love being there and I love learning.”

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Her path to get there wasn’t easy but with the coaching from a guidance counselor at her high school, Vanessa not only graduated fourth in her class of 490 students, she attended college on a full ride scholarship.

While Vanessa was in school and working in a clinic, she bought her first condo. She had friends that were realtors and were top producers.  

“Sometimes they were like, I need help, can you come to the office and help me with it? Things that you can do without having a license. And then one of them encouraged me to get licensed. And I was like, I'm not going to do this. This is not for me.”

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Around this time, Vanessa was realizing how difficult it was to ever take any time off in the medical world. She decided to get licensed and try out real estate part time at first. 

“Then my friend is like, well, you know, when you become a realtor, you have your own hours. And I'm like, okay, let me think about this. And that's how it kind of happened.”

From there, Vanessa decided to make a complete career shift and transition into real estate full time. However, her parents at first didn’t understand why she wanted to leave such a great job in the medical field. 

The Modern Spirituality Podcast

“One thing that my parents told me when I was a little kid is that when you find your path,  you're going to know it. And who cares if everything's falling apart? Who cares what everybody is telling you? You’ve got to believe in yourself and you gotta be stubborn enough to take a risk and take a chance because that's the way life is. You gotta take a risk. So I did it.”

Tune in to this episode of the Real Estate Moguls Podcast to hear more about Vanessa’s story and her advice to others who are getting started on their own real estate journey.



Topics: Real Estate Moguls, Real Estate Moguls Podcast