There's an energy that draws Barbers, Stylists, MUAs and Estheticians towards our chosen craft.
It's a bond we share not only in our professions, but it also transcends who we are as people.
We talk shop, relationships and the challenges we each experience to help us live more Alined.
Ciarra O’Reilly on Building Confidence and the Art of Authentic Beauty
Mireya Villarreal: From Passion to Pink Pewter – How She Built an International Brand
Anthony Cristiano: Mastering the Art of Hair Styling and Brand Building
Unveiling Beauty: Dana Nobilè's Journey to Radiant Skin and Inner Healing

We are actively on the lookout for Barbers who want to Co-Host this unique podcast series. Real influencers who are passionate about their craft and community alike.

It's important for not only women, but for men also to understand the crucial role makeup can play in their personal brand development.

Just as important as the way we look when step out into public , is the self care behind feeling our best. We'll talk to experts who help us stay our best at work and home.