In Conversation with Jaymi Block: Navigating Love, Loss, and the Spiritual Journey

Posted by VibeSociety on March 8, 2023 at 8:00 AM

Jaymi Block, the newest co-host on The Face of Community and Business, has an inspiring story that put her on a path towards a career in real estate; after a car accident changed her course. 

TFOCB Podcast | Episode | Jaymi Block

She is a mother of four and has an impressive career, with several business partnerships. In this episode, Jaymi talks about her journey and the spiritual awakening that led her to a deeper understanding of life.

Jaymi grew up in the southwest suburbs and had never left the area until recently. She moved to the city, where she felt she belonged, but love brought her there, and now she focuses on self-love. Jaymi believes that everything we go through is part of the journey and happens for a reason.

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Jaymi is a deep conversationalist and prefers to have conversations that are not superficial. She is on a spiritual journey that began when she was a child, as she was brought up in a conflicting religious background. 

Jaymi believes that her spiritual journey started from pain, and she began asking questions about life's purpose and what we are here for. She understands that spirituality can mean different things to different people, and it is becoming more prevalent in today's society.

Real Estate Moguls Podcast

Jaymi and the host of the podcast, Jenny, connected on a deeper level, as they both went through breakups and were trying to understand themselves and life from a different lens.

Jaymi's story is an inspiration to anyone who is going through difficult times and looking to come out on the other side stronger and more aware. Her focus on self-love and spirituality is a testament to her strength and resilience.

Savvy Brokers Club - cover image

As a co-host of The Face of Community and Business Jaymi brings a unique perspective and experience to the table, and her interviews are sure to be insightful and inspiring.



Topics: TFOCB, TFOCB Podcast