The Gift He Doesn't Have

Posted by Alex Calderon on December 25, 2024 at 8:00 AM

Have you ever thought about what you might give Jesus that He doesn’t already possess? There’s a simple way to see how this idea works. Picture a birthday party where everyone gets a present except the one whose special day it is. That sounds strange, yet it’s easy to do the same thing with Christ. People celebrate Him during certain times of year, but they forget to hand Him what truly matters. God made everything, but you still hold something He won’t have unless you decide to hand it over.

The Gift He Doesnt Have

Think about your own heart. You can give it away to many things, but the Lord waits patiently, hoping you’ll place Him first. Christ said in John 14:6 that He is the way, the truth, and the life. That means no one finds real closeness with God unless they come through Jesus. You might ask yourself how to make room for Him when life is full of busy mornings, late nights, and stressful tasks. The good news is that you can still set time aside and offer Him your undivided attention, even in small steps.

If you want to show Him your deepest devotion, you can decide to spend a few quiet moments talking to Him when you wake up. You can put the Lord first in your mind by saying a short prayer or reading a small section of Scripture. Rather than scrolling through your phone, give your focus to God. Romans 12:1 urges you to offer yourself as a living sacrifice, which means you choose to give your plans, anxieties, and hopes to Him. This choice might sound big, but it’s actually freeing, because you stop carrying heavy concerns alone.

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When you do this, you’re handing Jesus the gift of your trust. Trust can feel risky, especially if you’ve faced disappointment in the past. Yet Christ understands your struggles more than anyone else ever will. He sees every tear and knows every fear. That’s why He asks you to come to Him with a sincere heart, not with fancy words. By trusting Him, you show you believe He knows best. You also remind yourself that nothing is out of His control.

Along with trust, God also longs for your love. John 3:16 says God loved the world so much He gave His only Son. You might have heard this verse before, but it goes far beyond words on a page. It’s a real gift that cost God more than we can fully grasp. His love for you is deep and personal, and He’s looking for a response from you. When you love Him, you’re answering that call. You can show your love through worship, kind actions toward others, or simply thinking about Him as you go through the day.

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Another offering you can make is your worship. That doesn’t mean you need a stage or a microphone. You can worship Jesus when you sing praises in the car, when you thank Him out loud for small blessings, or when you read Scripture with an open heart. Worship is more than a song; it’s an attitude. It’s telling Him, “You’re worth it.” That’s the essence of worship: placing your devotion in the one Person who deserves every good thing you can offer.

You can also honor Christ by letting Him guide your decisions. James 4:8 says when you draw near to God, He will draw near to you. That might look like asking for His wisdom before taking a new job or seeking His ways before entering a new friendship. It could be as small as pausing to ask, “What would please God here?” Instead of giving Him the leftovers of your time or attention, you choose to let Him direct your thoughts and steps. That might lead you to answers you never imagined.

Try looking at any tough period in your life as a chance to lean on Christ rather than yourself. When difficulties come, you can surrender your worries to Jesus and trust Him to show you the path forward. Challenges can shape your faith in a deeper way if you invite Him into your problems. Sometimes, in the middle of chaos, God’s peace can change how you think about everything. It’s a real connection with Him, not just a set of rules you follow.

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You can also give Him your patience. Often, we expect answers right away, but God’s timing can be different from ours. That doesn’t mean He ignores you. It means He sees beyond what you see. By being patient, you give Jesus permission to work in you and through you at the right speed. That’s a gift you can’t wrap in a bow, but it’s worth far more than you know. It shows you’re willing to wait and trust that His plans are good.

Each day, you have an open chance to offer Jesus your best. Your life is full of important commitments, but Christ wants to be more than an afterthought. He calls you to a relationship that’s alive, where you’re honest with Him, rely on Him, and keep growing in your faith. He isn’t forcing you to check off a list of tasks. Instead, He’s waiting to be chosen by you, just as He chose you with His unconditional love.

Giving Jesus your heart, loyalty, worship, and trust isn’t a one-time event. It’s a continuous act of devoting yourself to the Lord. Every morning, you have a fresh start to hand Him your attention. Every week, you can honor Him by spending time in prayer, reading your Bible, or gathering with other believers. Keep in mind that He cares more about the sincerity in your heart than the size of your gift. That’s because your offering is a sign of your love for Him, and it points you back to the living God who saves.




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