We could think of no better way to help our communities than by investing in our youth. That's why our advertising and sponsorship revenue directly contribute towards marketing scholarships and educational opportunities for students in underserved areas.

At the heart of everything we do and believe, is giving back to those who need it most. Chicago can be a harsh environment for anyone, but especially to those displaced by economic hardship. That's why we're creating and giving care packages, filled with toiletries, food, information and words of encouragement, to Chicago's homeless community, from you... The Face of Chicago Business.

Every student should be entitled to the same shot at success. We are currently partnering with schools in underserved communities to create opportunities for our featured professionals to mentor select students. We've all had someone that influenced us in a positive way or helped us to achieve our goals and dreams. Now is your moment to give back to those who will have the greatest impact on our future - our children.

Professionals and students alike crave advice. We’re not talking the textbook stuff, but “straight-no-chaser” first-hand advice from those who have weathered personal and professional lows and still reached success and want that same success for others. It’s the same advice you’d give to a friend only now, it is a group of either students or your peers. We create opportunities for professionals to share their story or expertise to help others.

Professionals and students alike crave advice. We’re not talking the textbook stuff, but “straight-no-chaser” first-hand advice from those who have weathered personal and professional lows and still reached success and want that same success for others. It’s the same advice you’d give to a friend only now, it is a group of either students or your peers. We create opportunities for professionals to share their story or expertise to help others.